Home / Questionnaire Survey Regarding the Condition of Attracting and Retaining Talents in China’s National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones

Questionnaire Survey Regarding the Condition of Attracting and Retaining Talents in China’s National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones


Dear sir/madam, in order to collect information regarding the needs of foreign talents to work and live in China’s National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones, as well as to gather suggestions for improving our policies of attracting foreign talents and their working environment, we invite you to complete this survey. The information you give us is very important. It will provide an important reference for improving China’s policies of attracting foreign talents in National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones and improving our services for them. We sincerely expect your cooperation. We will keep every questionnaire confidential. Thank you for your contribution to China’s development.

1) Basic information

1. Nationality:

2. The location of your current work:ProvinceCityIndependent Innovation Demonstration Zone

3. Gender:

A. Male

B. Female

4. Age:

A. 18-30

B. 31-40

C. 41-50

D. 51-60

E. 61-75

F. Above 75

5. Highest degree:

A. PhD

B. Masters

C. Bachelor

D. Professional college

E. High school and below

6. Your area of industry:

A. Information/communication

B. Finance and commerce

C. Architecture

D. Manufacturing

E. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fisheries

F. Culture and sports

G. Logistics

H. Energy and Environmental protection

I. Education and research

J. Public health and public service

K. Life service industry

L. OthersPlease specify:

7. The nature of your current work is:

A. Technological research and development

B. Management

C. Technological support

D. Sales

E. Production

F. Finance

G. Education and training

H. Service industry

I. OthersPlease specify:

8. The nature of your current institution is:

A. Government department

B. University

C. Research institution

D. Other government-sponsored institution

E. State-owned enterprise

F. Three types of foreign funded enterprise (solely foreign funded enterprise, contractual joint ventures, cooperative ventures)

G. Private enterprise

H. Non-government organizations (NGO)

I. Others

2) Willingness to work

9. How long have you been working in China?

A. 1-5 years

B. 6-10 years

C. 11-15 years

D. 16-20 years

E. Above 20 years

Please specify: the number of years that you have worked in China’s National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones

10. What are the main reasons for you to work or start a business in China? [Multiple choices]

A. Confidence in China’s future development

B. China’s preferential policies of attracting foreigners and its fine working and living environment

C. Employer’s attractive treatment

D. Better development opportunities for individuals

E. High level of technological development and advantages in gathering talents in your particular field of expertise

F. Advantages in the development of your field of study in China

G. OthersPlease specify:

11. What platforms or methods will you use to seek career development opportunities in China? [Multiple choices]

A. Overseas recruitment organized by Chinese government departments

B. Overseas recruitment organized by employers

C. Recruitment information released by employers in foreign newspapers, TV, checkbox and other media

D. Recruitment information released by employers in Chinese newspapers, TV, checkbox and other media

E. Corporation overseas dispatch

F. International talent exchange programmes

G. Recruitment organized by talent agencies

H. Recommendations from alumni, relatives, and friends

I. Peer recommendations

J. Social platforms for talent recruitment

K. OthersPlease specify:

12. How long do you plan to work and live in China?

A. Within a year

B. 1-3 years

C. 3-5 years

D. Above 5 years

E. Permanently.

F. Not sure.

13. Who are the family members that are working or living in China with you? [Multiple choices]

A. Parents

B. Spouse

C. Children

D. None

E. Others

14. Your current annual income is:

A. Within 1,000,000 RMB

B. 1,000,000—2,000,000 RMB

C. 2,000,000—4,000,000 RMB

D. 4,000,000—5,000,000 RMB

E. Above 5,000,000 RMB

15. Since coming to China, in what areas have you gained significant breakthrough? [Multiple choices]

A. New technology

B. New workmanship

C. New products

D. New materials

E. New equipment

F. New breed

G. New computer software

H. Academic articles, books,principle models or invention patents

I. Others

16. Are you willing to apply for permanent residence permit in China?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not sure. Reasons (please specify):

3) Career development

17. What are the fields of work in China you are most interested in among the following options? [Multiple choices (up to five)]

A. Research

B. Technological research and development

C. Technological application

D. Education

E. Economics

F. Corporation management

G. Innovation and entrepreneurship

H. International communication

I. Others. Please specify:

18. In your opinion, which of the following conditions are most needed to attract foreign talents? [Multiple choices (up to five)]

A. Attractive policies for foreign talents

B. Good prospects and platforms for career development

C. Good research environment or recruitment environment

D. Sound service for talents and social security system

E. Convenient access for exit-entry

F. Stable and decent salary and benefit

G. An international living environment

H. OthersPlease specify:

19. What do you think are the problems that might influence foreign talents to seek long-term work in China? [multiple choices (up to five)]

A. Worse living environment in China than abroad

B. Worse research environment in China than abroad

C. Less personal development opportunities in China than abroad

D. Unpredictable future changes of China’s policy, environment and conditions

E. Current policies, systems, and environment are not inline with international standards

F. National treatment

G. Complicated procedures for exit-entry

H. Not enough opportunities for further studies

I. Difficulties to transfer research outcomes

J. Difficulties in promotion

K. Difficulties in adapting to the working and living environment in China

L. Education for the next generation

M. Opportunities for family members

N. OthersPlease specify:

4) Policies and services regarding bringing in foreign talents

20. What do you know about the policies regarding bringing in foreign talents in China’s National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones?

A. Very well

B. Some knowledge

C. A little bit

D. Not at all

21. What do you think about the efforts that China has put in bringing in foreign talents in its National Independent Innovation Zones?

A. Good enough

B. Relatively ok, but still have distance from those in developed countries.

C. Not enough. Various areas of improvements are needed.

D. Not sure

22. What do you think about the effectivity of China’s policies of bringing in foreign talents in its National Independent Innovation Zones?

A. Very effective

B. Relatively effective yet having many areas for improvement

C. Not effective

D. I Don’t know.

23. What do you think are the problems in China’s policies of bringing in foreign talents in its National Independent Innovation Zones? [multiple choices]

A. The implementation of the policies is not good, lacking relevant supporting measures and detailed rules.

B. The policies are notcomprehensive enough to cover all different needs.

C. The policies are outdated and are not in accordance with the requirements of the newtrend in society

D. The preferential treatments of talents are not attractive enough

E. Not enough publicity of the policies

F. I don’t know.

G. OthersPlease specify:

24. Which of following types of services do you need to understand, implement, and improve most urgently? Please tick at the right option. [Multiple choices ( up to five)]

Type of service

Urgent need

Type of service

Urgent need

Green card or application/recovery of nationality

Mutual recognition of professional qualifications

Simplification of visa processing

Equity incentive

Consultation of policies and regulations for talents

Financial services

Consultation for career development

Tax reduction and exemption

Apartments for talents

International education for dependents

International community service

Medical service

Consultation for social security

Information communication platform

OthersPlease specify:

25. What suggestions would you give regarding bringing in foreign talents to work in China’s National Independent Innovation Zones?

The questionnaire stops here. Thank you for your support and cooperation!

