Home / Jobs / Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Website: www.sim.ac.cn
  • Location: Shanghai, China
  • Industry: Electronic and Micro-electronic technology

Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences

60 jobs found on chinajob.com

New Electronic DK Technology Direction Junior Researcher (J2201180)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

New Electronic DK Technology Direction Junior Researcher (J2201086)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Superconducting Electronics Technology Junior Researcher (J2201144)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Superconducting Electronics Technology Junior Researcher (J2201085)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Research on new vision algorithm (J2201154)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Research on new vision algorithm (J2201084)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Research on Intelligent Robot Algorithm (J2201194)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Research on Intelligent Robot Algorithm (J2201083)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Packaging Process R&D Engineer (J2201082)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

Packaging Process R&D Engineer (J2201153)
Posted on Nov 28, 2022

Full Time Shanghai, China salary5

on Nov 28, 2022

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