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Jiande is an entertainment resort where ancient and modern meet

Jan 26, 2024

Hangzhou - Jiande  

Jiande is a place where the past and the present combined together, making it a popular destination for entertainment. You can stroll through the Song-style ancient streets of Yanzhou Ancient City, listen to stories of the ancient city, sample local cuisine, and watch performances such as the governor's welcoming ceremony, Song-style dance, acrobatics, flash mobs, and theYudai river performance. 

It's as if you've been transported back to Yanzhou City thousands of years ago. You can also watch the country's first large-scale immersive fog island theater "Jiang Qing Yue Jin Ren" on the banks of the Xin'an River, experiencing Jiande's history and culture through this beautiful performance. 

You can also attend the Yutianchuan Coffe · 17℃ Xin'an River Music Festival to experience a wonderful music lifestyle for young people. You can also immerse yourself in the real scene of Fuchun Mountain Residence to feel the thrill of the Hulu Gorge rafting. Finally, you can enjoy interactive games with your children at Jiande Shuangjiang Joy World, making wonderful memories as a family.

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