Winter Vacation Schedules of Some Universities in Beijing
(2024-2025 Academic Year)
The above data is mainly based on university calendars for undergraduate students. In case of any changes, the actual holiday notices of the universities shall prevail. In addition to colleges and universities, the primary and secondary schools will also usher in the winter holidays in Beijing. As stipulated in the 2024-2025 school calendar, schools of the compulsory education programs will end this semester on January 11, 2025 (Saturday), whose winter vacation will range from January 12 (Sunday) to February 16 (Sunday), totaling five weeks and one day. Those of the non-compulsory education programs will end this semester on January 18 (Saturday), whose winter vacation will last from January 19 (Sunday) to February 16 (Sunday), totaling four weeks and one day.
Source:Capital Education